
AgileBA – a set of best prctices and guidelines for business analysts working in Agile projects. AgileBA is a general (not industry specific e.g. IT or Engineering) set of best practices for agile business analysis.

AgileBA is very closly aligned with DSDM AgilePF and AgilePM methods dedicated to agile project management. Both DSDM AgilePF and AgilePM have exactly the same role which is part of development team which is called Business Analyst and AgileBA gives set of best practices tailored to this role.

Guidlines covered in AgileBA does not cover system analyst role, since it has slight different focus and more technical oriented style of working.

DSDM AgilePF, AgilePB and AgileBA were created by people behind DSDM Consortium – which explains high corellation between those approaches dedicated to agile project management.

AgileBA interactive mind map